Oh boy Joey, am I tired. Your Dad and I are taking care of your "Uncle" Kramer because Grandma and Grandpa are in Belize and yesterday before he got here, he stole some chocolate from the man who was renting out Grandma and Grandpa's extra room. Since chocolate is very bad for dogs, Kramer had to go to the bathroom a million times during the night. Then he woke us up at 7 o'clock in the morning after having no sleep all night due to his accidents. Daddy said to me that it's just practice for when you're born, but something tells me cleaning up baby poop in a diaper may be slightly more tolerable than runny Kramer poop all over the floor. Needless to say, I'm exhausted and you and I might be napping a little later.
Only five more days until we leave for New Orleans! Less than 3 years ago, there was a terrible hurricane there that cost many lives and destroyed many homes. The American government hasn't done much to help the people displaced by the hurricane, or clean up the city so we are expecting to see some pretty sad sights. But judging from research we've done on things to do in New Orleans, it looks like it will be an uplifting experience, as the spirit of the city seems to only have gotten stronger. We will definitely post some pictures here of what New Orleans is like.
Speaking of pictures, here are some pictures of where we live right now. The day we moved in, Uncle Bobby walked into the apartment and said, "it's weird to think, this is the first home your baby will know." I think we've done a pretty good job of picking out your first home:

There's your doggy, Rocky.

And there's Uncle Bobby!

This pool is about ten steps out our front door. We swim about 3 or 4 times a day now, because it is so hot. I think you like it when I'm in the water. You either kick ferociously, or you're totally calm.
Next time I will post pictures of the beach nearby, where Daddy and I prefer to swim over the pool. Now it's time to get back to work, Joey, so we can buy you all kindsa cool toys and clothes.
Love, Mommy
Now playing: Bonnie Prince Billy - Am I Demon
Technorati Tags: new orleans, baby
Only five more days until we leave for New Orleans! Less than 3 years ago, there was a terrible hurricane there that cost many lives and destroyed many homes. The American government hasn't done much to help the people displaced by the hurricane, or clean up the city so we are expecting to see some pretty sad sights. But judging from research we've done on things to do in New Orleans, it looks like it will be an uplifting experience, as the spirit of the city seems to only have gotten stronger. We will definitely post some pictures here of what New Orleans is like.
Speaking of pictures, here are some pictures of where we live right now. The day we moved in, Uncle Bobby walked into the apartment and said, "it's weird to think, this is the first home your baby will know." I think we've done a pretty good job of picking out your first home:
There's your doggy, Rocky.
And there's Uncle Bobby!
This pool is about ten steps out our front door. We swim about 3 or 4 times a day now, because it is so hot. I think you like it when I'm in the water. You either kick ferociously, or you're totally calm.
Next time I will post pictures of the beach nearby, where Daddy and I prefer to swim over the pool. Now it's time to get back to work, Joey, so we can buy you all kindsa cool toys and clothes.
Love, Mommy
Now playing: Bonnie Prince Billy - Am I Demon
Technorati Tags: new orleans, baby