Well, Joey, we're back and you definitely ddn't make all that walking around New Orleans any easier. But, wow, did we have fun. One great thing about being pregnant is the appetite, Mommy loves, loves, loves food and now because I'm pregnant, I can consume two or three times as much as before. This came in extraordinarily handy in New Orleans.
We had a bit of trouble getting to New Orleans; in Atlanta there was a big lightning storm and it grounded our plane for an hour or so. It wasn't so bad though because we met a nice lady from Baton Rouge who'd just come back from traveling around Europe. She was very interested in you, when you're due, what the doctors are like in Mexico, etc. I told her all about your doctor and how he gives us an ultrasound at every visit and sends us home with a CD full of pictures of you. When I told her each visit only costs $50 for all that, she just about fell off her chair! In the USA, she said, Mommys-to-be only get a couple of ultrasounds their whole pregnancy! How sad, I look so forward to seeing you every month at our Doctor's visits, hearing your healthy heartbeat, seeing your head and belly and little feet.
When we finally landed in New Orleans, it was very late at night and I was so tired. We caught a cab and the driver was very interesting, an ex-homicide detective, he told us all about his experiences in hurricane Katrina and told us that because of it, he changed his cab company name to "You're in Bad Hands with Allstate Insurance" because he couldn't get money from them to fix his house after the flood.
We got to the hotel and our room was on the 37th floor! Our ears popped on the way up. We went to bed pretty quick we were so tired. In the morning when I woke up I took some pictures from our room.

The coolest thing about New Orleans, Joey, was the people. Mommy has been to 14 countries and has never in her life encountered such friendly people. It wasn't just the people working in the hotel and restaurants and shops either, it was
every last person walking down the street. Considering what this city had been through the past couple of years, it makes it even more astonishing, how friendly they were. I guess, like Mommy's friend Mike said once, once you've lost everything, you're free to gain anything. It was pretty inspiring. Especially after we went on the Katrina tour. The bus driver took us all through the areas of New Orleans that were the worst hit by the flooding and the storm. Several times I fought back tears. It was very moving and horrifying at the same time, that a major city in the richest country in the world could suffer so much almost 3 years later. Here in Mexico, Cancun was battered by the worst storm in recorded history that literally stopped over Cancun for days (Grandma and Grandpa were in that storm!). That storm happened after Katrina hit New Orleans, and it leveled Cancun, and not only has Cancun bounced back, but it had a long time ago. And New Orleans, and American city, has not. It has a lot to do with money, the fact that Cancun is funded and occupied primarily by major American hospitality corporations, where as New Orleans is occupied mostly by poor minority groups. The bottom line is that not enough people with resources care about New Orleans. But I did learn on the Katrina tour that Brad Pitt, a great actor currently, has been in New Orleans since the storm, helping to build houses for the people who need it the most with $5 million of his own money. I thought that was pretty cool of him.
What I enjoyed the most in New Orleans, though, was the food. Joey, one day we will take you back there when you have teeth and you can enjoy it for yourself. Those people know how to cook! But I think if I ever had to live there, I would get really, really fat, because it's all comfort food, deep fried and buttery. Mommy's weakness. Some of the best food we had was at NOLA, Emeril Lagasse's restaurant. He is a very famous chef right now, who has many, many restaurants and a cooking show. He is mostly know for yelling BAM! when he's cooking, which didn't go unsaid when your Daddy and I ate at his restaurant.
We also had some po'boys. The best was at Mother's which is a very famous restaurant, so much so that the line is out the door all day long.

And Muffulettas:

And Beignets, sushi, Indian food, gumbo, jumbalaya, barbecue, and red beans and rice. It was so yummy!
Mommy and Daddy did some shopping for you:

And we saw lots of cool sights:

All in all it was a great trip, but we're glad to be back with rocky and Grandma and Grandpa and Kramer!
Technorati Tags: new orleans, food, po'boys, muffulettas, nola, emeril, legasse, hurricane, katrina

When we finally landed in New Orleans, it was very late at night and I was so tired. We caught a cab and the driver was very interesting, an ex-homicide detective, he told us all about his experiences in hurricane Katrina and told us that because of it, he changed his cab company name to "You're in Bad Hands with Allstate Insurance" because he couldn't get money from them to fix his house after the flood.
We got to the hotel and our room was on the 37th floor! Our ears popped on the way up. We went to bed pretty quick we were so tired. In the morning when I woke up I took some pictures from our room.

The coolest thing about New Orleans, Joey, was the people. Mommy has been to 14 countries and has never in her life encountered such friendly people. It wasn't just the people working in the hotel and restaurants and shops either, it was

We also had some po'boys. The best was at Mother's which is a very famous restaurant, so much so that the line is out the door all day long.

And Muffulettas:

And Beignets, sushi, Indian food, gumbo, jumbalaya, barbecue, and red beans and rice. It was so yummy!
Mommy and Daddy did some shopping for you:

And we saw lots of cool sights:

All in all it was a great trip, but we're glad to be back with rocky and Grandma and Grandpa and Kramer!
Technorati Tags: new orleans, food, po'boys, muffulettas, nola, emeril, legasse, hurricane, katrina