Hi Joey, how's it going today? I imagine your busy doing things in mummy's tummy right now. In fact I think you should give her a good kick right now because she's watching Project Catwalk right now, and I doubt you're enjoying it all that much. Even with her tummy protecting you from the horrible U.K. t.v. show it still must be painful for you!
Speaking of T.V. shows, we don't have cable right now because it's just too nice outside here in Mexico to commit to spending so much time in front of the television. However we do find ourselves downloading a lot of t.v. shows and movies and watching them at night before bed. We just finished watching Survivor last night, and we also like to watch The Wire, Top Chef, Hells Kitchen, and we just started watching OZ. We also watch a lot of movies, and we have quite a large selection of kids movies that we downloaded for Abbey and Natasha when we were back in Canada. I will be sure to stock up on some of my favorite kids shows for you like Blues Clues, and of course Dora! Dora is a girl and all but she's from Mexico. Her cousin Diego also has a show and he's a boy so maybe we'll have to watch his show as well.
I had lots of favorite kids shows when I was a kid. I remember waking up early in the morning on Saturday's to watch Saturday morning cartoons. I'm not sure if Saturday's are still known for cartoons since there are channels dedicated to running kids shows 24/7 now, but when I was a kid it was a big deal. Also because I grew up in Edmonton, Alberta, it was a frozen snowy blizzard outside for 8 months of the year. I would get up before anyone else and bring my blanket out to the living room and turn on the t.v. so quietly so nobody else in the house would be woken up and I would have to lie on the floor maybe a foot or two back from the t.v. just so I could hear it. My favorites were He-Man and the Bugs Bunny show. Then my parents would get up and we would have breakfast and I couldn't wait to get back to watching more cartoons. Eventually I would get dressed and go play in our basement or get bundled up and go play outside in the snow with friends. We would have snow ball fights, play road hockey, make snow forts, or just goof around. It was cold, but there was something really peaceful about being a kid and growing up in snow. As a kid we didn't have to worry about digging the car out of a snow bank, or the engine block being frozen after an extremely cold night, or the excessive heating bill. We just had to worry about getting to school on time, having to trek through the snow banks, and keeping or tongues from getting stuck to the metal poles on the playground at recess. I know it seems silly like "how would anyone get their tongue stuck to a pole?" but it never failed. Nearly weekly some kid would have to get his tongue unstuck from some part of the playground. I don't remember ever doing it myself at school, but I do remember getting my tongue stuck to the metal railing outside our front door one morning while waiting to be picked up for school!
Well, your mommy and I are heading to the beach this afternoon. All this talk of cold and snow and I need some sun and waves! I'll write you again soon, have a good time in mommy's belly at the beach today!
Love Daddy
Lazy Sunday
Sunday, May 18, 2008 at 11:23 AM Posted under Labels: beach, cartoons, snow, t.v.
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