Anyway, I have to get back to work. I will post more soon and just remember that I love your more than anything in the whole world! Well.... you're tied with your sister!
Love, Daddy

Thursday, February 26, 2009 at 1:39 PM Posted under
Sunday, February 1, 2009 at 9:16 AM Posted under Labels: Angel Notion, Cathy's Natural Remedies, herbs, Peanut Pet Shelter, Super Bowl
Hola Joey!! Today is Super Sunday. It will be your first Super Bowl. We are going to a Potluck at Mom's Hotel to watch the game with all our friends. It should be a lot of fun!! We have been looking after you quite a bit lately. It is soo cool. You love to walk everywhere while I hold your hands. You also love to watch cartoons and you especially love to lie on our bed and play with Kramer or stare at the fan. You also love to stare at the photos of your mom, uncle and great grandma!! You can sit up now!! for about 1-2 minutes before you faceplant or fall sideways. It is soo cute. You certainly love your Kramer. Have a look at these pictures and you will see for yourself. Your Gramma has just started her own blog on the internet. It is Cathy's Natural Remedies at I will be writing about the natural remedies that I know of that work really well and natural remedies that I believe will help others. A lot of them involve herbs. I am also volunteering at Angel Notion, which is a clinic for the poorer Mexicans. There is a huge garden there where they grow vegetables and herbs. I love working there. I volunteer at the Peanut Pet Shelter as well. We have cleaned up a huge piece of property for the 75 dogs!! Now they have a really nice place to stay!!