It's been a while since I last wrote, I know, but you sure do keep us busy. You are 4 months old now. You've just had your first Christmas and New Year's and you've already traveled to Vancouver to meet the rest of your family and our friends. We have moved to a new condo near Grandma and Grandpa, so you don't have your Dr. Seuss room anymore, but that's ok, you've got plenty of other stuff going for you.
Since I last wrote, the USA voted in the very first African American President. Barack Obama will be sworn in this month, and we were all very, very moved when he was elected. It's given me a little hope, anyway. Here's a picture of you and Obama:
You were also spoiled at Christmas. Mommy might have to rent out a whole new apartment just to store your stuff. Here Mommy is living out of a few suitcases in Mexico, and you need a moving truck to move your stuff, haha. It's a good thing though, shows you how many people love you when they can't stop filling your life with fun stuff and cuddles and laughs and kisses. Here you are on Christmas morning with Grandma and Grandpa:I love those little Candy Cane pajamas. Soon after, you had your first New Year's Eve. We made some good food and had a few drinks here with Grandma and Grandpa and then we went to Bar Ranita for the countdown. There were lots of people out and when midnight struck, I suddenly became very teary-eyed because you've made it the best New Year's I've ever had.
You are so special, Joey. You amaze me every day. Every day you've learned something new or picked up a new skill. It is absolutely amazing to watch you figure out that Rocky is not like us, how to grab your toys, to discover your feet and your vocal chords. Oh boy, Joey, can you screech. The last week or so you have been non-stop screeching at the top of your lungs, and not angrily, but with pure joy. We got a video of you doing this to Daddy's head:
You are a strange little boy Joey! You have also sprouted your first two teeth. They are the two bottom front teeth and holy crap, are they sharp. Here is a picture:
You sleep through the night most nights now and your favorite thing in the world is Rocky - every time you see him walk past you, you smile from ear to ear. He sure loves you, too. Just tonight I was lying in bed reading and Rocky walked in and stuck his nose in the space between slats in your crib just to see what you were doing and when he spotted you, his tailed wagged. You also love to walk when Mommy or Grandma hold your hands.
We have gotten some great picture of you Joey, you sure are photogenic. Here are a couple:You are a very happy baby, as you can see. It's no wonder, you have a lot of people who love you. I feel so lucky to have you in my life and I cannot wait to see what tomorrow brings. I love you so much Joe,
Boy, Have We Been Busy
Saturday, January 3, 2009 at 9:32 PM Posted under Labels: christmas, grandma, grandpa, new year's, rocky, teeth, US Election
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