Hi Joey! Today is your mom's birthday! Today she turns old, just like me. No just kidding, we're still pretty young, and age is all in the mind anyways.
So we are going over to your gramma and grandpa's place shortly because in addition to it being mommy's birthday, we are also have a baby shower for you. Lots of people are coming and bringing presents for you! We are pretty excited to see what neat things you get. We're going to sit out by the pool for the afternoon with everyone and then later we are going to a restaurant here in Playa Del Carmen called John Gray's. It looks pretty fancy and yummy! I gave your mom some presents this morning for her birthday from you, me and rocky. We gave her some new books, and a new note book, and a nice package of Hershey's kisses. I think she liked everything!
Yesterday we bought tickets for you, mommy, me and gramma to go to Vancouver, Canada in September. You will be born by then, and will get to go on your first trip at about a month old! You will get to meet all sorts of family including your mom's aunts and uncles, and gramma (your great gramma), as well as my dad (your other grandpa) and your sisters Abbey and Natasha. It should be a pretty fun trip. we are also excited about all the food we've missed since moving away from there. The sushi especially is the best I have ever had anywhere, as well as all the other multicultural foods that we love like, Chinese, and Indian that you just can't seem to get where we live in Mexico.
Well, I have to feed and walk Rocky before heading over to the baby shower. Talk to you soon Joey!
Mommy's Birthday
Friday, July 25, 2008 at 1:51 PM Posted under Labels: baby shower, birthday, family, food, mommy, vancouver
First Time Ever I saw Your Face
Tuesday, July 8, 2008 at 12:19 AM Posted under Labels: daddy, rocky, ultrasounds
Hey Joey Baby,
Not too long to go now. Daddy thinks you will be born on August 13th, if he is right that leaves us with just over a month left. We went to the doctor on July 4th, and he had a great new ultrasound machine that let us see your beautiful face up close, check this out:

and this one I refer to as your hitchcock profile:

Aren't those insane? I was amazed when I saw you up on the ultrasound screen. Everyone says you already look like me. I think it might be the chubby cheeks :)
I am getting so excited and soooo tired of being pregnant. I want to have my baby out here in the world with me finally! (and being able to bend over, have a beer and wear normal clothes would be wonderful bonuses, too).
Well it's late and your puppy dog Rocky is already cozy in bed wondering where I am, so off to bed. Love, Mommy
Technorati Tags: ultrasound, baby
Not too long to go now. Daddy thinks you will be born on August 13th, if he is right that leaves us with just over a month left. We went to the doctor on July 4th, and he had a great new ultrasound machine that let us see your beautiful face up close, check this out:

and this one I refer to as your hitchcock profile:

Aren't those insane? I was amazed when I saw you up on the ultrasound screen. Everyone says you already look like me. I think it might be the chubby cheeks :)
I am getting so excited and soooo tired of being pregnant. I want to have my baby out here in the world with me finally! (and being able to bend over, have a beer and wear normal clothes would be wonderful bonuses, too).
Well it's late and your puppy dog Rocky is already cozy in bed wondering where I am, so off to bed. Love, Mommy
Technorati Tags: ultrasound, baby
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